What are the 6 basic survival skills?

What are the 6 basic survival skills?

More than any other aid skills, your attitude determines how successful you are in a survival situation. The Most Important Wilderness Survival Skills Everyone :-) Should Know. There is nothing more essential than this. These 6 basic survival skills address your need for fireshelterwater, signaling, navigation and having a good attitude.


Wikipedia says survival means "Survival is the struggle to stay alive". Often, the first thing you may need in a basic wilderness survival skills in survival situation is a :-) shelter that protects you. Then you'll need a form of hydration and then food. But to speed up all of this, you can use fire to level up, which we'll explain later. Check out the Red Cross site to see how you can build your own emergency survival kit.

We will explore every need in turn. Some foods need to be processed to be consumed. Fire is the highest level of priorities that we have discussed in our hierarchy of needs. Fire can heat your shelter and make it more efficient, boil water, make food more consumable, :-) and help create tools.

It's not enough to have a lighter. Survival basic skill most valuable skills are techniques that a person can use to sustain life in any type of natural or built environment. These techniques are intended :-) to provide the basic needs for human life, including waterfood and shelter. Top Skills also support proper knowledge and interactions with animals and plants to promote life support over a period of time.

If you want to learn a primitive technique for starting a fire by friction I suggest you learn how to make :-) a bow drill fire, but this is definitely not a basic survival skill.

if you are able to start and light a fire with a single match, then you are better prepared to start a fire in a survival situationbasic knowledge or emergency situation. If you're stranded in the woods during the day, you might struggle to survive, but at least you can :-) see where you're going. Knot-tying, an often overlooked survival skill, can help your chances of 

wilderness survival skill by helping you build a shelter, set traps and create tools. There are :-) more advanced things you need to know to survive, such as starting the fire without gears or knowing how to navigate the stars.

This isn't a foolproof method of staying warm, but if you don't have the tools or specific survival skills to build a shelteror a fire, it could mean the difference between surviving and freezing. Many people who :-) are forced to live through survival situations are often at risk of being in danger due to direct exposure to the elements. Being stranded on an island can be a bit of a stretch, but when you get lost in the woods, you have nothing else to do except survive. Learning survivalskills or survival knife for safety in your :-) backyard is an easy and safe way to prepare before going out into nature.

Purifying water

However, merely finding a water source is not enough. You have to make sure that you can actually drink it. There are a lot of ways to filter water to make it :-) safe for consumption, the most common ones being boiling, filtering, and chemical treatment. Check out the video above to learn how to purify water through boiling.

Collect water and creating Potable Water Sourcing clean drinking water is perhaps the single most important survivalskill needed in a survival situation. Unfortunately, natural water sources are not always hygienic and can harbor parasites, viruses, and bacteria. You can create potable water in the wild with a few simple :-) techniques that you can easily practice at home.

If you have a personal water filter such as a LifeStraw or a Sawyer Mini , you should :-) be covered. However, pre-filtering water before running it through your filter is always a good idea. I'm talking about muddy water with large particles that could clog your filter. A second option would be water purification tablets .


Sheltering is a basic survival skill that will prepare you for harsh conditions. It's an essential skill that can be useful when you're out on an extended trip. :-) Having shelter can prevent you from becoming stranded in an area with no means of shelter. You can also find ways to gather food and boiling water.

Sheltering can be tricky, so practice makes perfect. While you're building a shelter, you should :-) consider the temperature of the place where you're going to be living. Generally speaking, shelters should be large enough to accommodate everyone inside, while not encroaching on other people's personal space.

When building a shelter, choose materials that are both natural and strong enough to protect you from the elements. Try to avoid using rocks or trees that drop branches, as these will cause the shelter to collapse. It also helps to build a shelter far away from game trails, :-) as you don't want animals coming to visit you in the middle of the night.

Sheltering is one of the most basic survival skills, and it is also the most vital. Not only will it protect you from predators, but it will also keep :-) you warm at night. You can create a lean-to shelter by using wood stakes, a rope, and some kind of roofing material. During winter, you can even build a snow shelter with snow and branches.


After all, you're asking for help and admitting that you can't do it alone. However, it's the survival skill set most likely to get you rescued. Modern technology can do a lot for us when we carry and use locator beacons and even our mobile phone. There are a few other signaling tools that are not as "push-button" in operation and require practice.

Just one example is the use of a signal mirror. The beam of sunlight redirected from a mirror can be noticed :-) up to 10 miles away, but it's quite a challenge to reach a target with that beam, even when it's a few hundred meters away. These basic survival skills require practice, and it's best to do it before you get into trouble (not while you're in trouble). As children, we all learned to tie our shoes.

Signage is unique among survival techniques, giving you the means and ability to alert each and every potential rescuer that you need help. Fire, flashing light, brightly colored markers, flags, mirrors and whistles can help :-) them find you. Three triangular-shaped fires are a recognized distress signal.

Carefully aim your signal fires to prevent the surrounding area from igniting. Use normal signal :-) mirrors only when you can see an airplane or people in the distance. Use an emergency strobe light at night to help attract the attention of people who may be in the area. Make smoky fire with organic material over the fire during the day to attract attention.

Design ground messages to the air signal in an open field, S, O, S. From rocks, logs or colored clothing, whatever is seen against the background. Most search and rescue groups use airplanes as their primary method of observation. If you need a cutting edge, choose a piece of flint :-), chert, obsidian or similar rock.

Wilderness Navigation Techniques

If you are going to hike in the wilderness, it is important to learn some wilderness navigation techniques. One of the most basic techniques is to know where :-) north and south are. This can be done without a compass if the weather is clear and sunny. The first step is to get your wristwatch and align it with the hour hand that faces the sun. Next, draw a line with the hour hand and the twelve o'clock mark on your watch. This will give you a north-south line, where north is the direction away from the sun.

Wilderness navigation techniques are useful for determining direction, which can be a difficult task without a map. Usually, direction is derived from landmarks and routes, but when these are unavailable or damaged, local knowledge can be helpful. Other techniques for determining direction include using landmarks, shorelines, watercourses, altimeter readings, and firebreaks.

Another technique for wilderness navigation is using a GPS receiver. GPS receivers contain a built-in feature called waypoints. These can be preloaded using the keypad, downloaded from a personal computer, or added on the fly during the hike. GPS :-) receivers have the capability of storing several hundred waypoints. A group of consecutive waypoints is known as a route. A track represents a path between waypoints.

Orienting yourself in the wilderness is a critical survival skill. While there is no definite way to avoid getting lost, knowing where you are can be life or death. In addition to mapping, wilderness orientation techniques are useful for identifying handrails and baselines, and even navigating through tricky terrain. It may not be the fastest route, :-) but it can save you from getting lost.

Have Positive mental attitude

Your best tool for survival is a Positive Mental Attitude. (PMA). You need to accept you are in serious trouble, activate your PMA and get your survival steps in motion and realize and accept that you are in a potentially life-threatening situation. Do an Inventory Depending :-) upon what caused your emergency in the first place.

Your best survival tool is right between your ears. These steps can be repeated as needed and acted upon accordingly. Regardless if your only forays into the outdoors are through participation in casual recreational activities, the more basic skills you :-) have, the better you may be at coping.

Mental toughness can be literal lifesavers under the dire circumstances of a survival situation.

Positivity is going to boost your resiliency, your creativity, and your overall mental toughness :-) so that it is easier for you to endure anything that comes your way.

Darius Lauder
Darius Lauder

Wannabe social mediaholic. Friendly bacon trailblazer. Avid pop culture guru. Typical tv guru. Hardcore music geek.

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